Although these are a tiny minority of TripAdvisor reviews among a mass of glowing endorsements of Dorset’s historical landmarks, the dismissive put-downs certainly put a smile on our face.
As we all know, Dorset’s historical sites are stunning and have much to offer for any local or visitor, but for some moments of much-needed levity after Christmas, here’s what these hard-to-please reviewers thought of some of the county’s historical hotspots.
Maiden Castle, Dorchester
Known as one of the largest and most complex Iron Age hillforts in Europe, Maiden Castle’s lack of turrets and drawbridge seems to have surprised some reviewers.
One reviewer from London, giving the attraction a two star rating, writes: “I’m sorry but essentially it’s a hill with banks and sheep.”
Another from Oxford reached the same two star rating verdict and wrote: “Was rather disappointed. Nothing more than a…